Even Takefusa Kubo, despite being eligible age wise, was not included with officials admitting several players who had been considered were not released by their European clubs.
Each squad is allowed to register three overage players for the under-23 men's Olympics football tournament. .....
— サッカー日本代表 🇯🇵 (@jfa_samuraiblue) July 3, 2024
第33回 #オリンピック 競技大会(2024/パリ)
1 #小久保玲央ブライアン ベンフィカ🇵🇹
12 #野澤大志ブランドン FC東京🇯🇵
16 #大畑歩夢 浦和レッズ🇯🇵
3 #西尾隆矢 セレッソ大阪🇯🇵
5 #木村誠二 サガン鳥栖🇯🇵
2 #半田陸 ガンバ大阪🇯🇵
4 #関根大輝… pic.twitter.com/cN76lEd2d3